Information about Indonesian chilli farm


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Another somewhat curly chili with red chili usual. He called curling because cabainya long thin shape and grooved like curling. The shape is slimmer, thinner, more dense and spicy taste. Unfortunately, not all centers planting chili peppers this type. whereas the method of cultivation is not difficult and not much different from the usual red chili. Here’s how to style curly chilli cultivation in Bengkuluu Curup farmers, one of the centers chilli curls on the island of Sumatra.


Should sowing seeds

Actually there are two ways that are often done by farmers in planting this chili. The first is direct planting on the land, and the second is the seed sown in advance. Either way, it is indeed each has advantages and disadvantages. If the seed at planting more seeds directly required. In other words, more wasteful seed. More manpower needed for the plant, and the possibility of dying seeds also greater. If the stitching is done, the age of the plants in the garden becomes non-uniform, which directly affects the production life. It is also more difficult to control when the plants begin to grow.

Meanwhile, when the chosen way of seeding, the number of seeds per hectare can be reduced by almost half. This method also saves labor for planting and initial maintenance. While the possibility of the death of seedlings only to 10 percent. Stitching can be done as soon as possible with the same age of the plant, until the harvest can be done simultaneously.


Seeds to be planted first soaked in warm water. Only seeds that are planted drowned while floating discarded. Meanwhile, a nursery bed should be prepared in the form of loose soil evenly hoe. Wide nursery beds adjusted by the number of seeds to be planted. Land in the nursery should be sprinkled with the ashes of grass, reeds or straw. May also seeds mixed with ash, so the seeds do not eat ants. One hectare of land on average require 30 canting seed (1 canting = 100 g).

A week after transplanting, the seedlings were sprayed with Sevin Anthracol and appropriate dosage. Spraying is done once a week, or depending on the condition of the crop. When he was 40-45 days or as high as 15 cm, Transplanting plants to the land remains.

Generally farmers in Curup menumpangsarikan this chili with ginger plant, so the land preparation and fertilization “nebeng” ginger. When intercropped planting distance of 40 cm x 40 cm, and planted after the 4-month-old ginger. But when planted in monoculture, chili plant spacing of 30 cm x 30 cm, above bedengen height 15 cm, width 80 cm. The distance between beds of 30 cm.


When penanamman done monoculture, fertilization with urea, TSP and KCI needs to be done. That is when the 3-month-old plants (calculated starting from seeding) with a ratio of 2: 1: 1 300 kg / ha. Fertilization is performed only once because the soil is very fertile Curup.

At planting intercropping, chili does not need to be cultivated again because fertilizer of ginger is considered sufficient. Only at the age of 2-3 months should be added foliar fertilizer is given 2 times until the first harvest.

The only other treatment time weeding grass plants aged one and three months, and watering when it is not raining. Once a week (starting when the two-month-old plants), plants are routinely sprayed with Sevin mixed Gandasil D and B are Paracol much as a shot. Then to overcome the disease “curly leaf” Thiodan plants sprayed with the appropriate dose, 15 days after the first spraying.


At the age of about 4 months the first harvest of chili can begin. Furthermore, once a week began harvesting the plants regularly until the age of 7-12 months. In the first harvest up to 7 are usually an increase in production. While the next harvest to harvest decreased to 12.

In order to harvest the rise again for 3 weeks the plants should be rested back to form new buds and ovaries. up until harvest to 13 production will be increased, then decreased again until harvest to 26. The production rate typically 2.5 tonnes / hectare. Although there is also the only one ton / hectare her

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