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Tentunya kalian smua tidak asing lagi dong,,,? Dg game yg satu ini, ” asphalt airborn 8″ yg di dominasi dg real track , atau sirkuit yg terlihat nyata, namun tak kalah menari dengan berbagai macam mobil bergengsi yang mana di antara salah satu kelas dunia ! , mungkin sang pencipta, terinspirasi,oleh film2 racing , sperti halnya , film ” fast & forius” yg di bintangi oleh dau aktor , ternama!

Dalam cerita itu , mengisahkan sekelompok / anggota ,teroris, yg berusaha membobol brangkas bank ,milik seorang pehabat tinggi, dengan mengenderai mobil sport, bergengsi, aksi2 memukau pun mereka perankan , ,,

Ter inspirasi dari film  action ,  game asphalt air born,/ pun game fast & forius, kini telah mennadi minat dari berbagai kalangan!

Saling ber kompetisi memperebutkan kejuaraan , menunjukan skil masing2 pemain , menabrak atau behkan menghancurkan lawan, dengan mnambah kecepatan, saling berwbut nitrogen ,untuk meningkatkan akselerasi mobil , melalui berbagai rintangan , temukan jalan tikus untuk menjadi sang pemenang!

Namaun di sisi lain keren nya game asphalt airborn 8, ada sisi buruk nya pula, apa sih ….? Sisi buruk nya ,,

Jawabany iyalah : ukuran game yg lumayan besar , yaitu sekitar 2 gb,!
Meskipun kalian telah berhasil memaang ,& menginstal nya , jangan seneng dulu, kususnya bagi kalian yg menggunakan perangkat ,yg kapasitas ram nya di bawah 1 gb, mungkin tips di bawah kn berguna! ,tentunya untuk menghindari lemot & gagal nya aplikasi!

Tips nya yaitu :
– pasang aplikasi ” green lify”
– hibernasi semua aplikasi yg berjalan di latar belakang
– optimalkan perangkat kalian
& .. coba kalian jalankan game nya! ..
Tentunya lemot tak kn terjadi! ..
Semoga bermanfaat & selamat mencoba

Game Asphalt airborn 8


  Racing game made by Gameloft this one is not doubt his ability to make the players feel the sensation that is so thrilling. Games that have a size of about 1.5 GB has a very impressive graphical display with color so amazing detail on each side.


In this game, the players will be invited to become a driver who is experienced in all race modes. The game will also invite the players feel the thrilling sensation of the heart when the race disebuah busy street. Here are some modes or the excellent features of Game Asphalt 8 Airborne:

Customize Your car!
  This game will make players be creative as free as possible to choose a car and designing. This game provides a lot of cars that can be used in a way to buy using gold that we can get from each race.


Against Gravity Runway car as soon as possible, and look for a ramp that we can use to make our cars fast track air. Use nitromu to accelerate the speed and feel the sensation against gravity is so amazing.

Car bumper and Destroy Your opponent!
  This game is not just a question to be number one in every track, but this game also requires players to each car driven mengahncurkan opponent. Use nitromu and hit the enemy from behind! Feel the sensation of slow motion scenes featuring sec – seconds collisions we do. Broken glass splinters, and also the shape of the car was badly damaged we will see clearly thanks to the smart features Full HD 3D.

Be Fugitive Number One in Asphalt 8 Airborne

  Collect coins and buy a car that has the highest speed. Paculah car racing in all areas and be number one in the world Asphalt 8 airborne. Certainly do also the destruction of the other player’s car that you look for and used as a fugitive by the racers from around the world. Be fugitive who had an unstoppable pace car!

way of cultivation cloves in Indonesia

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How to cultivation cenggkeh with clove seeds will produce 100 kg per tree, of course, to be coupled with maintenance and good care. Even clove tree with seed quality and good care in addition to providing the maximum results can also survive for hundreds of years and remain productive. Such as clove AFO in Ternate, for example, although more than 350 years old but the tree is still prolific flowering.
To find out how the cultivation of cloves there are several steps that must be taken to ensure that at the time of planting cloves way, we can know the restrictions that may hamper the development of plants.


Cloves plant requires good soil structure, ie loose, not berpadas, coated clay and sandy soils (young volcanic soils), these lands are less suitable for growing cloves, because it is too easy to lose water.
For the maintenance of soil cultivation should be done so that the soil is not hardened, ground-breaking is done twice a year. And intensive treatment on the clove
plant should be carried out since the start of the nursery to adults.


The nature of climate is crucial to success in this clove cultivation. Clove plants can not stand the drought, because of the dryness of the clove tree can result in death (in young trees 1-2 years), dead twigs (adult trees), less productive (an old tree).
Clove plant requires rainfall between 2000-3500 mm, but are evenly throughout the year. However, although many much needed aiar, when the rainfall is too high, ie above 4,000 mm and the resulting muddy excess will result in death.
Due to continuous rain will cause damage to the interest of young and can stimulate the growth of moss on branches and twigs that could mnyebabkan breaking twigs and branches.

Cloves fits perfectly with the warm temperatures and not too damp, therefore, the spacing of the clove tree must be quite broad, between 8 x 8 meters. So that good air circulation around the tree. Cloves also urgently need enough sunlight, especially during flowering.


To obtain the clove plant productive and quality, so farmers must be able to produce quality seeds for breeding purposes. The terms of parent trees are worth taking seeds:

● The tree healthy
Ramifications starting from the bottom and meetings
● The leaves are lush and never get sick
● He’s 10 years and over
Wherever possible the continuous flowering
● The trees will be taken seeds should be treated specifically and privileged, among others, by way of fertilizers much. Dose of fertilizer should be greater than the clove trees were not dibijikan. The ground around the tree to be taken seeds must digemburkan and if necessary coupled with manure.

Cloves that have been chosen to take the seeds for seeding or seeding process, preferably most of the interest is not picked and left 5-10% each tree.
Seeds whose quality is good usually located on the top part, because the seeds are larger and almost no empty.
The seeds are seeds that have been learned are black, purple and some have fallen. These seeds cook approximately October / November. So roughly 4-5 months after harvest, or 9-10 months from going to flower.

After that, after all the seeds were collected ripe, freshly peeled. Peeling is done carefully to avoid injury. Once peeled freshly washed with clean water, then sorted to separate the seeds poor like them; seed is too small, there is a black spot, kotilnya live one, or one clove but contains two seeds.
Once sorted and selected, clove seeds then soaked in clean water. If the seeds of good quality clove, then each kilogram contains 800-900 bbiji. Lastly, cloves taken the seeds for seeding purposes and nurseries usually was failing, for the fertilization after picking flowers or seeds are needed. Better yet, if coupled with a foliar fertilizer as Wuxal and Bayfolan, so the clove tree seeds taken quickly recover.


Clove cultivation process usually starts from the nursery and nursery work. In order to obtain and produce clove trees are productive and qualified, then the breeding and nursery work should be done properly, carefully and thoroughly.

In choosing a nursery, there are several factors to consider:

● The soil should be fertile and easy irrigated (especially in the dry season)
● The seedbed should be protected from strong winds
● Strategically place (eg easy transporting seed and close to the planting areas)


→ Creating a peg or mark on the ground that will be dug. Maksimal175 cm width and a maximum length of 5 meters, or conditionally determined by looking at land or terrain.
→ Among the nursery beds were given water ditch approximately 50 cm.
→ break ground land to be made beds as deep as approximately 30 cm.
→ Clean grass and other weeds to the roots.
Cultivation was repeated 3 times to loosen the soil, then digulut approximately 20 cm above the surface of the trench.
→ Surroundings each gulutan / nursery beds were retaining (amping) so that seedbed soil does not dissolve in contact with water.
→ soil mixed with manure that has been cooked on average 1 tin per 3m² or conditional, see the intensity of soil fertility.
→ Install shade average height of 2 meters with thatched roofs, palm leaves or straw.
→ Each gukutan / beds sprayed with insecticides or mixed powder to kill caterpillars incex ground, digger, termites, and others, who are happy eating seedlings clove.

Once everything is ready, muulai seeds planted. Choose the best or superior quality seeds. Seeds can be supplied alone if the parent has a good cloves. If you do not have a good binih, sebaiknyya looking at the stores of agricultural or farming lembbaga institutions and reliable plant.
If the seeds of the seeds will be moved at the age of 1 year, then planting distance of 20 x 20 cm. if the seed from the seed will be moved at the age of 2 years, the planting distance of 30 x 30 cm.

Kecambahkan seed should at first, for about 5 days so straight and good root growth. How, seeds are placed in baskets of flat land given to taste. Clove seeds placed flat lined at the venue.
If you already germinated, then the seeds brought to the nursery, pulled out one by one and planted exactly in the neck root. In this way, the trunk and the roots will grow straight cloves so as to facilitate later planting in the planting area.

If there is no rain until 2-3 days in a row, then the seeds should be watered with sprinklers ceepat the smooth hole, so that the seeds do not bounced.
At the age of three months, the lands around the seeds before digemburkan with Solet (bamboo width of 2 fingers are thinned). In addition, grass and weeds need to be uprooted in order not rob nutrients in the soil into food rations seed cloves.
Tilling the soil at the same time accompanied by the provision of urea fertilizer with a dose ± 30 grams per m². tilling the soil and fertilizing in the same way done every once a month.

If seeds have four months old, the shade started thinned, so at the age of one year artificial shade can be opened, so that the seed gets a lot of sunlight. As more and more sunlight will affect the branching becomes good and healthy.
Seedlings can sipelihara in nursery until the age of 1-2 years, and the use of 2-year-old seedlings will be better on growth. Decision seeds must be careful not to root damaged

How to capture the seeds must be careful, try we undertake the seeds with soil so that the roots are not damaged, then the soil in which the roots can be wrapped in plastic and dried banana stem, or with other wrappers, the most important soil and the roots are not broken.
Having wrapped seeds, taro seed shady place for 1-2 weeks, as long as the seeds are stored should be sprayed with KOC 1-2% untu resist mildew growth on the leaves. It would be better if sprayed with insecticide.

Once stored 1-2 weeks, the seedlings wilt not be grown in planting area. Seedling mortality during playback occurs approximately 1% only. Withered seedlings usually grow fresh again. Shoots / dry dashed to accelerate growth should be cut further.

Information about Indonesian chilli farm


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Another somewhat curly chili with red chili usual. He called curling because cabainya long thin shape and grooved like curling. The shape is slimmer, thinner, more dense and spicy taste. Unfortunately, not all centers planting chili peppers this type. whereas the method of cultivation is not difficult and not much different from the usual red chili. Here’s how to style curly chilli cultivation in Bengkuluu Curup farmers, one of the centers chilli curls on the island of Sumatra.


Should sowing seeds

Actually there are two ways that are often done by farmers in planting this chili. The first is direct planting on the land, and the second is the seed sown in advance. Either way, it is indeed each has advantages and disadvantages. If the seed at planting more seeds directly required. In other words, more wasteful seed. More manpower needed for the plant, and the possibility of dying seeds also greater. If the stitching is done, the age of the plants in the garden becomes non-uniform, which directly affects the production life. It is also more difficult to control when the plants begin to grow.

Meanwhile, when the chosen way of seeding, the number of seeds per hectare can be reduced by almost half. This method also saves labor for planting and initial maintenance. While the possibility of the death of seedlings only to 10 percent. Stitching can be done as soon as possible with the same age of the plant, until the harvest can be done simultaneously.


Seeds to be planted first soaked in warm water. Only seeds that are planted drowned while floating discarded. Meanwhile, a nursery bed should be prepared in the form of loose soil evenly hoe. Wide nursery beds adjusted by the number of seeds to be planted. Land in the nursery should be sprinkled with the ashes of grass, reeds or straw. May also seeds mixed with ash, so the seeds do not eat ants. One hectare of land on average require 30 canting seed (1 canting = 100 g).

A week after transplanting, the seedlings were sprayed with Sevin Anthracol and appropriate dosage. Spraying is done once a week, or depending on the condition of the crop. When he was 40-45 days or as high as 15 cm, Transplanting plants to the land remains.

Generally farmers in Curup menumpangsarikan this chili with ginger plant, so the land preparation and fertilization “nebeng” ginger. When intercropped planting distance of 40 cm x 40 cm, and planted after the 4-month-old ginger. But when planted in monoculture, chili plant spacing of 30 cm x 30 cm, above bedengen height 15 cm, width 80 cm. The distance between beds of 30 cm.


When penanamman done monoculture, fertilization with urea, TSP and KCI needs to be done. That is when the 3-month-old plants (calculated starting from seeding) with a ratio of 2: 1: 1 300 kg / ha. Fertilization is performed only once because the soil is very fertile Curup.

At planting intercropping, chili does not need to be cultivated again because fertilizer of ginger is considered sufficient. Only at the age of 2-3 months should be added foliar fertilizer is given 2 times until the first harvest.

The only other treatment time weeding grass plants aged one and three months, and watering when it is not raining. Once a week (starting when the two-month-old plants), plants are routinely sprayed with Sevin mixed Gandasil D and B are Paracol much as a shot. Then to overcome the disease “curly leaf” Thiodan plants sprayed with the appropriate dose, 15 days after the first spraying.


At the age of about 4 months the first harvest of chili can begin. Furthermore, once a week began harvesting the plants regularly until the age of 7-12 months. In the first harvest up to 7 are usually an increase in production. While the next harvest to harvest decreased to 12.

In order to harvest the rise again for 3 weeks the plants should be rested back to form new buds and ovaries. up until harvest to 13 production will be increased, then decreased again until harvest to 26. The production rate typically 2.5 tonnes / hectare. Although there is also the only one ton / hectare her



Afarmer (also called an agriculturer) is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials. The term usually applies to people who do some combination of raising field cropsorchardsvineyards,poultry, or other livestock. A farmer might own the farmed land or might work as a labourer on land owned by others, but in advanced economies, a farmer is usually a farm owner, while employees of the farm are known as farm workers, or farmhands. However, in the not so distant past a farmer was a person who promotes or improves the growth of (a plant, crop, etc.) by labor and attention, land or crops or raises animals (as livestock or fish).


Rice is a grain that is processed and used in the debut of rice. This food is a staple food for most of Indonesian people in addition to corn, sago and cassava. Environmental factors influence on pertubuhan rice, namely: a.Faktor natural environments such as soil, climate, biological. b.Faktor inputs such as fertilizers, drugs eradication of pests and diseases, yielding rice varieties that are given human. Rice production is highly dependent on the season which may affect production activities. Eg planting delays due to little rainfall, while the supply of water for irrigation is getting a little due to the dry season, so many hectares of rice fields drought. Another obstacle that occur are nonuniform planting period and age of the plant that can cause the appearance of the rat. The rains that fell most of the day making the most of the rice plants were ready for harvest stagnant water, if the water does not recede within a few days, the rice plants will decompose and cause farmers suffered huge losses. The aim of this study was to compare the level of income of rice farmers in the rainy season to dry. The hypothesis in this study is believed to income of rice farmers in the rainy season is greater than during the dry season. Determination of the study area was done intentionally (purposive) on the basis of the consideration that agriculture in the region is quite advanced and already has a farmer groups. Techniques of data collection is done by using primary data in the form of questionnaires, interviews, and observations (observation) directly. In addition it is also used secondary data obtained from the literature that have relevance to the research conducted. Selection and determination of the number of samples by using the “Simple Random Sampling”. The determination of the sample farmers based on the number of farmers population of 220 people and 15% of samples taken from a population of as many as 33 people. Data analysis method used in this research is the analysis of income, which is π = TR – TC while for hypothesis testing is used paired t-test, namely: t hit = Where:: the average income of farmers in the rainy and dry seasons. SB: standard deviation. n: number of samples. From the research, the importance of the average income of rice farmers in the rainy season Rp (2,320,545) while the average earned income of rice farmers in the dry season of Rp 32 667 so that the income of rice farmers in the dry season more than the rainy season , This is due to the intensity of solar radiation in the dry season was higher than in the rainy season, because the solar radiation falling on green plants affect the speed of growth and photosynthesis. Moreover, since most of the paddy fields in the village Ngraho layout located near the river Bengawan so during the rainy season sometimes many who have flooded rice fields. To avoid a flooded paddy from the farmers during the rainy season in the village Ngraho cope with the changing times and cropping patterns, which only grow rice in the growing season MK I and MK II or during the dry season irrigation is obtained from river water rivers. Because t hit (29 030)> t table (2.477) then concluded reject Ho means that there are differences statistically farmers’ income of the dry season and the rainy season. In other words in the dry season has an impact on farmers’ income.


Petani adalah seseorang yang bergerak di bidang pertanian, utamanya dengan cara melakukan pengelolaan tanah dengan tujuan untuk menumbuhkan dan memelihara tanaman (seperti padi, bunga, buah dan lain lain), dengan harapan untuk memperoleh hasil dari tanaman tersebut untuk digunakan sendiri ataupun menjualnya kepada orang lain. Mereka juga dapat menyediakan bahan mentah bagi industri, seperti serealia untuk minuman beralkohol, buah untuk jus, dan wol atau kapas untuk penenunan dan pembuatan pakaian.

Setiap orang bisa menjadi petani (asalkan punya sebidang tanah atau lebih), walau ia sudah punya pekerjaan bukan sebagai petani. Maksud dari kalimat tersebut bukan berarti pemilik tanah harus mencangkul atau mengolah sendiri tanah miliknya, tetapi bisa bekerjasama dengan petani tulen untuk bercocok tanam di tanah pertanian miliknya. Apabila ini diterapkan, berarti pemilik tanah itu telah memberi pekerjaan kepada orang lain walau hasilnya tidak banyak. Apabila bermaksud mengolah sendiri, tentu harus benar-benar bisa membagi waktu, tetapi kemungkinan akan kesulitan kalau tanahnya lebih dari satu petak. A farmer[1] (also called an agriculturer) is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials. The term usually applies to people who do some combination of raising field crops, orchards, vineyards, poultry, or other livestock. A farmer might own the farmed land or might work as a labourer on land owned by others, but in advanced economies, a farmer is usually a farm owner, while employees of the farm are known as farm workers, or farmhands. However, in the not so distant past a farmer was a person who promotes or improves the growth of (a plant, crop, etc.) by labor and attention, land or crops or raises animals (as livestock or fish).


Farming has been dated back as far as the Neolithic era. By the Bronze Age, the Sumerians had an agriculture specialized labour force by 5000–4000 BCE, and heavily depended on irrigation to grow crops. They relied on three-person teams when harvesting in the spring.[2] The Ancient Egypt farmers farmed and relied and irrigated their water from the Nile.[3]

Animal husbandry, the practice of rearing animals specifically for farming purposes, has existed for thousands of years. Dogs were domesticated in East Asia about 15,000 years ago. Goats and sheep were domesticated around 8000 BCE in Asia. Swine or pigs were domesticated by 7000 BCE in the Middle East and China. The earliest evidence of horse domestication dates to around 4000 BCE.[4]

Advancements in technology

A combine harvester on an English farm
In the U.S. of the 1930s, one farmer fed only himself and three other consumers. The same farmer now feeds well over a hundred people. However, some authors consider this estimate as flawed as it does not take into account that farming requires energy and many other resources which have to be provided by additional workers, so that the ratio of people fed to farmers is actually smaller than 100 to 1.[5]image

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    How to lose weight should ideally weight can fall between 1.5 kg – 2.5 kg or could even 7 on weekends later. After that, live how you maintain the ideal weight. As quoted from, here are the details of the first day until the seventh day proram that you must do. The first day of the first day is a very important day in the diet program. Because all the old habits changed and of course it takes a bit of adaptation. Start the day with a mild and watery fruits mengkomsumsi. Throughout the day You may only eat fruits rich in water, except bananas. You can also drink water to prevent dehydration. The second day if you want weight 7 kg, then you should do a strict diet of vegetables. Consumption of a variety of colors of vegetables. To offer it should be boiled or be consumed raw as a salad. Do not manipulate the way fried or sauteed. For added variety, you can add the potatoes. But the way the process should also be steamed or boiled. Don’t forget the white water consumption remains at least eight glasses a day. day three Combine vegetables and fruits to make it more colorful. You can consume it three or more times in a day. Do not add a potato or a banana if you want to lose weight 7 kg. Intake of drinking water remains as the previous day to avoid dehydration. The fourth day today you must only consume the bananas and milk. Bananas can be processed into anything except the fried banana milkshake, for example or consumed directly. Remember, only the second of this menu is allowed The fifth day is usually on the fifth day you have to feel a little lighter and a little difference. You may consume 5 scoops of rice. Add 7-8 pieces of raw or stewed tomatoes. You can consume rice twice in the morning and afternoon. For the night we recommend that you do not consume rice. Increase the amount of intake of your drinking water. The sixth day breakfast with protein, to eat siangnya rice consumption 5 spoons with a side dish of vegetables only The seventh day of the last day of your diet can still consume 5 spoons of rice with fresh vegetables and fruits. Now You can check your weight, how many kg weight of the successful You prune? If you want to maintain weight or want to burn more body fat, you can routinely do cardio exercises such as jongging and cycling. It can also work out at the gym is a place to form the body proportionately. Don’t forget to keep keep your food intake so that is not the case the addition of body fat.