

    How to lose weight should ideally weight can fall between 1.5 kg – 2.5 kg or could even 7 on weekends later. After that, live how you maintain the ideal weight. As quoted from, here are the details of the first day until the seventh day proram that you must do. The first day of the first day is a very important day in the diet program. Because all the old habits changed and of course it takes a bit of adaptation. Start the day with a mild and watery fruits mengkomsumsi. Throughout the day You may only eat fruits rich in water, except bananas. You can also drink water to prevent dehydration. The second day if you want weight 7 kg, then you should do a strict diet of vegetables. Consumption of a variety of colors of vegetables. To offer it should be boiled or be consumed raw as a salad. Do not manipulate the way fried or sauteed. For added variety, you can add the potatoes. But the way the process should also be steamed or boiled. Don’t forget the white water consumption remains at least eight glasses a day. day three Combine vegetables and fruits to make it more colorful. You can consume it three or more times in a day. Do not add a potato or a banana if you want to lose weight 7 kg. Intake of drinking water remains as the previous day to avoid dehydration. The fourth day today you must only consume the bananas and milk. Bananas can be processed into anything except the fried banana milkshake, for example or consumed directly. Remember, only the second of this menu is allowed The fifth day is usually on the fifth day you have to feel a little lighter and a little difference. You may consume 5 scoops of rice. Add 7-8 pieces of raw or stewed tomatoes. You can consume rice twice in the morning and afternoon. For the night we recommend that you do not consume rice. Increase the amount of intake of your drinking water. The sixth day breakfast with protein, to eat siangnya rice consumption 5 spoons with a side dish of vegetables only The seventh day of the last day of your diet can still consume 5 spoons of rice with fresh vegetables and fruits. Now You can check your weight, how many kg weight of the successful You prune? If you want to maintain weight or want to burn more body fat, you can routinely do cardio exercises such as jongging and cycling. It can also work out at the gym is a place to form the body proportionately. Don’t forget to keep keep your food intake so that is not the case the addition of body fat.

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